- Each Round Is 1 Minute
DF8D-CDA7 - Each Round Is 2 Minutes
D48D-CDA7 - Infinite Time Per Round (Must Get Knockout)
C2BA-A7A7 - Each Round Is 4 Minutes
D08D-CDA7 - Each Round Is 5 Minutes
D98D-CDA7 - Each Round Is 6 Minutes
D18D-CDA7 - Start On Round 5
338F-C7A4 - Start On Round 12
A38F-C7A4 - Both Fighters Start With No Super Punches
DD87-C4D4 - Both Fighters Start With 2 Super Punches
D487-C4D4 - Both Fighters Start With 3 Super Punches
D787-C4D4 - Infinite Super Punches For Player 1
C26D-3F05 - Infinite Super Punches For Player 2 or Computer
C260-C4A9 - Create A Stronger Left Jab
6DEE-CF4E - Create A Stronger Left Hook Body
6DEE-CFCE - Create A Stronger Left Hook Head
6DEE-C44E - Create A Stronger Left Uppercut
6DEE-C4CE - Create A Stronger Right Cross Body
6DEE-C74E - Create A Stronger Right Cross Head
6DEE-C7CE - Create A Stronger Right Uppercut
6DED-3D4E - Infinite Strength Beads
Note: For the next three codes, ignore the timer.
Note: You may have to turn off effects until after the ring announcements.
Note: For the remainder of the codes, ignore the punch meter graphics.
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