Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble

The following are known Game Genie codes for Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble on Super Nintendo (SNES). Unless otherwise specified, these codes should work both on native and compatible hardware along with a variety of popular emulators with Game Genie support.

  1. Invincibility
  2. Do Not Get Charged Any Silver (Bear) Coins in Shops
    Note: You still have to have enough coins in order to purchase the item.
  3. Infinite Lives
  4. When You Get An Extra Life for Collecting 100 Bananas, You Will Only Lose Half Your Bananas Instead of All of Them
  5. When You get an Extra Life for Collecting 100 Bananas, You Will Only Lose 1 Banana Instead of All of Them

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