- Use Equip Strongest In Equip Menu To Increase Stats
D46D-D4FA - Use Equip Strongest In Equip Menu To Increase Stats (Different Code)
EE64-D46D - Greater Damage
DD68-D7AD - Attack Power, Strength, Defense Up To 999
14A9-D4FA - Level 22 After One Battle
EEEC-17A1 - Level 99 After One Battle
17A1-D4FA - Level 99 After One Battle (Different Code)
6EEB-17A1 - No Battles
A46E-4D09 - Have 999 HP
Note: Infinite HP when first activated, start at 999 after loading saved game. - 13 Gauntlets After Equipping Item
EEE0-1DD9 - 59 Gauntlets
5560-3FD3 - Loaded Games Have Maximum Attributes
EEE0-1461 - Load Or Start New Game With 167 For Stats and 155 HP and 160 MP
E3E9-17A1 - 1000 Gold
EEED-4D65 - 20,000 Gold
EEED-45A5 - 35,000 Gold
EEED-4F05 - Opponents Always Miss
EEE7-4FD5 - Opponents Always Miss (Different Code)
EEE5-4FD5 - Kill Enemy With One Hit
EEE7-44D5 - Enemy Will Miss You
EEE5-4FD5 - Unequipping An Item Will Add An Item
EEEF-17DC - Get Zircon Armor When Item Is Unequipped
48EF-170C - Get Deadly Sword When Item Is Unequipped
01EF-170C - Get War Rapier When Item Is Unequipped
0CEF-170C - Get Deadly Sword When Item Is Unequipped
19EF-170C - Get Zircon Armor When Item Is Unequipped
56EF-170C - Get Zircon Armor When Item Is Unequipped
2EEF-170C - Get Many Items When Going To Status Screen
EEE2-1D0C - Glitchy Start-Up But Speeds Up The Gameplay (Ie. Walking, Battle, Speech)
EE60-DDDD - Cut-Up Or Missing Body Pixels
EE60-0DDD - Reset Game At Title
EE60-3DDD - Saturated Color Of Town And Dungeon
EEE0-3DDD - Saturated Color Of Town And Dungeon #2
5560-3FDF - Screen Messed Up When You Talk To People
7E62-37DF - Blackout After Using “RESET” Magic In Dungeon
0060-3DDE - Using “RESET” Magic Will Reset The Game
0060-34DE - Using Button B or Y (Swing Sword/Shoot Arrow) In Dungeon Will Reset Game
0020-37DE - ???? Magic Store
Note: Go to an Item Shop and buy 3 or 4 different items. After doing the first step, ho to the Spell Shop and you can now buy spells for Guy and Maxim that they cannot normally have but now can. - 999 For ATP/DFP/STR (But Heal Enemy When You Hit Them)
?EE0-14D9 - Lower ATP/DFP/STR
EEE0-1D69 - 999 ATP/DFP/STR, Up To 9999 Damage
Note: Weapons will have the opposite effect when this code is enabled. - 999 ATP/DFP/STR
?DE0-1F69 - 999 ATP/DFP/STR (Only After Unequipping The Item)
EEE0-1469 - 999 ATP Only (Heal Enemy When Hit Them
EEE0-1769 - 999 STR Only (But Lower Other Status
EEE0-1D09 - 999 ATP/DFP/STR
DDE0-1409 - 999 ATP/DFP/STR (Kill Some Enemies While Healing Some)
55E0-1DA9 - Repeat Item On Line 58
Note: You can get a few new items and feed your capsule monsters at the same time even without the required item. Go to line 58 of the “FEED” item list. By moving the item in line 58 you get the same item in the line you move. Feed one item and move the item from line 58 again. You get new and same item from time to time. - Fight Against 4 Enemy In Group
??60-4FD9 - Fight With Only One Enemy
EE60-47D9 - Fight 2X Enemy In Group
5560-47D9 - Fight More Enemy
5560-4Fd9 - Fight Less Enemy (DD = More & EE = Less)
??60-4709 - Fight More Enemy
EE60-4FA9 - No Enemy To Fight (Win Instantly When Going Into Battle And No EXP)
EE65-4F69 - No Enemy To Fight (Win Instantly When Going Into Battle And No EXP – This Code List With The Other Group)
A46E-4D09 - Group Of 5 Goblin And 1 Random Enemy Each Time Encounter
556E-4DD9 - Group Of 6 Goblin
006E-4DD9 - Group Of 6 Goblin
AA6E-4DD9 - Group Of 5 Goblin
556E-44D9 - Kill The Enemy And When You Encounter Another There Will Be No Enemy To Fight
: Entering places or using “Reset” magic may bring them back. - Group Of 6 Goblin
556E-4769 - “Fight Certain Number Of Enemy” (Base Code)
Note: If you see a ?, it is an unknown enemy and if you see #, it is an unknown number of that enemy type.- 00: 5 Web Spider, Idura
- 01: 6 Poison Beetle
- 02: 5 Mega Moth, ?
- 03: 5 Big Bee, 1 Goblin
- 04: 6 Red Lobster
- 05: 6 Mosquito
- 06: 6 Coridras
- 08: 6 Armour Nail
- 09: 6 Beetle
- 0A: 6 Moth
- 0B: 5 Spinner, Daos
- 0C: 5 Tartona, 1 Goblin
- 0D: 6 Small Crab
- 0E: 6 Dark Fly
- 0F: 6 Big Crab
- 10: # Behemoth
- 11: # Current
- 12: # Crow Kelp
- 13: # Red Plant
- 14: # White Whale
- 15: # Vampire Rose
- 16: # Desert Rose
- 17: # Griavos
- 18: # Torrent
- 19: # Perch
- 1A: # Mad Ent
- 1B: 6 Venus Fly
- 1C: 6 Moray Vine
- 1D: # Kraken
- 1E: 6 La Fleshia
- 1F: # Killer Whale
- 22: 4 Goblin, 1 Dark Fly, 1 Cyclops
- 26: (Graphic Glitch)
- 28: 2 Seirein, 3 Goblin, 1 Daniele
- 2A: 6 Goblin
- 2C: 4 Goblin, 1 Vampire, 1 Lizardman
- 3C: 4 Seirein, 1 Goblin, 1 Regal Goblin
- 3E: 6 Goblin
- 40: # Thunderbeast
- 41: 6 Shadow Fly
- 42: 5 Bruse
- 41: Ice Rogue
- 43: 5 Bat, ?
- 44: 5 Gnome, Gold Dragon
- 45: 6 Shadow
- 46: # Lion
- 47: 6 Wispy
- 48: # Armor Horse
- 49: # Lunar Bear
- 4A: 6 Buffalo
- 4B: # Sphinx
- 4C: 6 Mad Horse
- 4D: 5 Seirein, Copper Dragon
- 4E: 6 Big Bat
- 50: 6 Specter
- 51: 6 Snatcher
- 52: 6 Dark Skull
- 53: 6 Hades Skull
- 54: 6 Ghoul
- 55: 6 Jurahan
- 56: 6 Demise
- 57: 6 Zombie
- 58: # Hade Chariot
- 59: 6 Dark Spirit
- 5A: # Hade
- 5B: # Leech
- 5C: 6 Necromancer
- 5D: 6 Wheel Eel
- 5E: 6 Mummy
- 5F: 6 Skeleton
- 70: 6 Baby Frog
- 71: 6 Lizard
- 72: 5 Cokatoris, Follower
- 73: 6 Scorpion
- 74: 6 Hawk
- 75: 6 Newt
- 76: 6 Needle Lizard
- 77: # Crow
- 78: 6 Ramia
- 79: 6 King Frog
- 7A: 6 Basilisk
- 7B: 6 Poison Lizard
- 7C: 6 Medusa
- 7D: 6 Red Bat
- 7E: 6 Antares
- 7F: 6 Eagle
- 8C: 1 Troll, 3 Regal Goblin, 2 Gargoyle
- 8E: 1 Moth
- 8F: 6 Goblin
- 90: 6 Garbost
- 91: 5 Moray, Gades
- 92: 6 Ammonite
- 93: 6 Evil Fish
- 94: 6 Sentopez
- 95: 6 She Viper
- 96: 6 Angler Fish
- 97: 6 Cancer
- 98: 6 Drill Shell
- 99: 6 Bolt Fish
- 9A: 6 Shell
- 9B: 6 Unicorn
- 9C: 6 Evil Shell
- 9D: 6 Stinger
- 9E: 6 Squid
- 9F: 6 Armor Bee
- A0: 1 Archfiend
- A1: 2 Goblin, 1 Angler Fish
- A7: 1 Bolt Fish
- AB: 4 Goblin, Goblin Mage, Armor Goblin
- AC: 5 Goblin, 1 Demise
- AD: 1 Ork Mage, 1 Armor Goblin
- AF: 1 Dragonian
- D1: 6 Web Spider
- D2: 3 Goblin, 2 Mosquito
- D3: 6 Goblin
- D5: 6 Goblin
- D8: 6 Goblin
- DA: 6 Goblin
- DB: 3 Goblin, 1 Troll
- DD: (Normal)
- DE: 6 Goblin
- E3: 4 Goblin, 2 Armor Goblin
- ED: 6 Goblin
- Fight Erim (A Boss)
Note: Effective in dungeon where you meet the same enemy again. First, meet the monster, second, run away, third, meet that same monster. Since Erim is so big graphic wise, it is bit glitchy, but if you kill her, you will get 50,000 EXP and Gold. - Fight Erim (A Boss) #2
EEEB-4D65 - Fight Erim (A Boss) #3
EEEB-4F65 - Fight Erim (A Boss) #4
EEEB-4FA5 - Get More Gold (1000+)
EEED-4D65 - Get Much More Gold (20,000+)
??ED-4FD5 - Get Much More Gold (20,000+)
EEED-4DA5 - Get Lots More Gold (35,000+)
EEED-4F05 - Get Lots And Lots More Gold (55,000+)
??ED-44D5 - Some Groups Of Enemy Does Not Attack Your Party Through The Battle
EEE3-4705 - Some Groups Of Enemy Does Not Attack Your Party Through The Battle #2
EEEE-44D5 - Some Groups Of Enemy Does Not Attack Your Party Through The Battle #3
EEEE-4405 - Fight Gades After Swinging A Sword Or Shooting An Arrow In The Dungeon Or Cave
EE2E-340E - Cannot Select Any Battle Options
EEAE-4DD5 - Repeating Damage Number But No Effect
EEB5-C7D5 - Automatic Target Yourself When You Use Magic
EEA0-CDD5 - Target The Enemy With Magic And You Get The Effect
EEA0-CD65 - Swing Sword Or Shoot Arrow Downward No Matter Where You Facing
EE28-37DE - Delay Swing And Shoot
EE28-3D6E - One Star Appears When You Step On The HP/MP Healing Symbols
EE2B-3DDE - Loading Any Game Will Max Out Characters Status (HP/MP Included)
EEE0-1701 - In Battle: After A Round, It Say “(Enemy Name) Loses Mirrors” And Game Resets
EE60-1FD1 - In Battle: After A Round, It Say “(Enemy Name) Normalizes” And Game Resets
EE60-14D1 - In Battle: When You Attack, Your Character Uses Some Kind Of Magic And Game Resets Afterward
EE61-1DD1 - One Blinking Town-Man (in Elcid)
EE60-3DD2 - Another Blinking Town-Man
EE60-3D62 - No Door-Sound When Enter Building
EE6E-3DD2 - Pick Up Vase Turn The Spot Where Vase Was At Into Objects (Road, Bridge, Background, Etc.)
EEE0-37D2 - Duplicating Vase Where It Sat (Vase Turns Real But Cannot Pick Up After Awhile)
EEE1-3DD2 - No Damage Number Show When Get Hit But Damage Still Occurs
FF60-34D5 - “Last Slot” Code
1234-567x - Everybody “MISS” When Attack
EE68-DF6D - Party Cannot Attack But Enemy Gives More Damage To Party
EE68-D40D - Heal Party When Received Attack And Give Higher Damage To Enemy or Vice-Versa
??68-D7AD - Get Higher Status By Choosing “EQUIP STRONGEST” In Equip Screen
Note: You cannot save these changes. - Infinite 999 HP
Note: This code cannot be used with the next MP code. Only one or the other cane be used. If both are used, the MP code is in effect. - Infinite 999 MP In Battle And Out Of Battle
EEEE-44D9 - Magic Store – Buy Any Magic For Any Character
Note: Be sure to buy 3 or 4 items from the Item Shop first. This is an unknown requirement but required. Then go to the Magic Shop and you can buy magic for anyone. - Show Max Status When You Highlight Items To Be Equip But No Effect
EEE2-1D0C - Show Max Status When You Highlight Items To Be Equip But No Effect #2
EEEC-4409 - Show Time And Gold In Equip Menu
EEE3-1DAC - Unequipping Item Will Add That Item
EEEF-17DC - Get Item When Unequipping
Item Modifiers
Note: When unequipping a blank line you will add the following item to your inventory.- 00: Scimitar
- 01: Deadly Sword
- 02: Beserk Blade
- 03: Multi Sword
- 04: Gladius
- 05: Suhrcustom11
- 06: Bronze Sword
- 07: Cold Rapier
- 08: Long Sword
- 09: Deadly Sword
- 0A: Beserk Blade
- 0B: Fire Dagger
- 0C: War Rapier
- 0D: Light Knife
- 0E: Rockbreaker
- 0F: Kukri
- 10: Buster Sword
- 11: Old Sword
- 12: Sky Sword
- 13: Snow Sword
- 14: Flying Blow
- 15: Lizard Blow
- 16: Zirco Sword
- 17: Super Sword
- 18: Myth Blade
- 19: Rune Rapier
- 1A: Gade’s Blade
- 1B: Sizzle Sword
- 1C: Blaze Sword
- 1D: Freeze Sword
- 1E: Fry Sword
- 1F: Silver Sword
- 20: Eron Dress
- 21: Bright Cloth
- 22: Old Armor
- 23: Zircon Plate
- 24: Deadly Armor
- 25: Power Robe
- 26: Magic Scale
- 27: Deadly Armor
- 28: Royal Dress
- 29: Bright Armor
- 2A: Full Mail
- 2B: Holy Robe
- 2C: Ghost Clothes
- 2D: Heal Armor
- 2E: Zircon Armor
- 2F: Metal Jacket
- 30: Small Shield
- 31: Buckler
- 32: Brone Shield
- 33: Anger Brace
- 34: Pearl Armor
- 35: Mini Shield
- 36: Wood Shield
- 37: Chop Board
- 38: Kite Shield
- 39: Hide Shield
- 3A: Tough Gloves
- 3B: Bracelet
- 3C: Power Brace
- 3D: Mirak Plate
- 3E: Block Shield
- 3F: Ruse Armor
- 40: Boomerang
- 41: Ex-Boomer
- 42: Providence
- 43: Secret Fruit
- 44: Terror Ball
- 45: Dragon Tooth
- 46: Green Tea
- 47: Ear Pick
- 48: Dragon Egg
- 49: Big Boomer
- 4A: Curselifter
- 4B: Escape
- 4C: Warp
- 4D: Ice Ball
- 4E: Holy Fruit
- 4F: Fire Ball
- 50: Bronze Axe
- 51: Rainy Axe
- 52: Deadly Rod
- 53: Deadly Rod
- 54: Thunder Axe
- 55: Great Axe
- 56: Zirco Axe
- 57: Hand Axe
- 58: Rod
- 59: Flying Axe
- 5A: Staff
- 5B: Mega Axe
- 5C: Mace
- 5D: Egg Sword
- 5E: Sleep Rod
- 5F: Franshiska
- 60: Crystal Wand
- 61: Zirco Rod
- 62: Cutter Whip
- 63: Royal Whip
- 64: Morning Star
- 65: Zirco Flail
- 66: Spark Staff
- 67: Pounder Rod
- 68: Chain
- 69: Silver Rod
- 6A: Aqua Whip
- 6B: Whip
- 6C: Wire
- 6D: Long Staff
- 6E: Holy Whip
- 6F: Holy Staff
- 70: Flame Fruit
- 71: Dual Blade
- 72: Insect Crush
- 73: Long Knife
- 74: Dark Fruit
- 75: Frypan
- 76: Knife
- 77: Earth Fruit
- 78: Battle Knife
- 79: Magic Fruit
- 7A: Dagger
- 7B: Small Knife
- 7C: Rapier
- 7D: Breeze Fruit
- 7E: Short Sword
- 7F: Charm Fruit
- 80: Holy Wings
- 81: Toga
- 82: Metal Mail
- 83: Silk Toga
- 84: Tight Dress
- 85: Chain Armor
- 86: Thick Cloth
- 87: Chainmail
- 88: Plated Cloth
- 89: Ironmail
- 8A: Iron Plate
- 8B: Stone Plate
- 8C: Long Robe
- 8D: Camu Armor
- 8E: Silver Armor
- 8F: Baggy
- 90: Dekar Blade
- 91: Deadly Sword
- 92: Lucky Blade
- 93: Mist Rapier
- 94: Silvo Rapier
- 95: Deadly Sword
- 96: Luck Rapier
- 97: Burn Sword
- 98: Red Saber
- 99: Crazy Blade
- 9A: Lucky Blade
- 9B: Luck Rapier
- 9C: Aqua Sword
- 9D: Broadsword
- 9E: Boom Sword
- 9F: Estok
- A0: Quilted Silk
- A1: Power Cape
- A2: Revive Armor
- A3: Crystal Mail
- A4: Silver Mail
- A5: Magic Bikini
- A6: Silver Robe
- A7: Power Jacket
- A8: Plati Plate
- A9: Metal Armor
- AA: Silk Robe
- AB: Evening Gown
- AC: Plate Armor
- AD: Light Jacket
- AE: Crystal Robe
- AF: Metal Coat
- B0: Spear
- B1: Halberd
- B2: Superdriver
- B3: Stun Gun
- B4: Fatal Pick
- B5: Heavy Lance
- B6: Water Spear
- B7: Fatal Pick
- B8: Coma Hit
- B9: Trident
- BA: Figgoru
- BB: Dragon Spear
- BC: Vice Pliers
- BD: Zirco Whip
- BE: Battledriver
- BF: Air Whip
- C0: Apron
- C1: Cloth
- C2: Tough Hide
- C3: Light Dress
- C4: Cursed Bow
- C5: Lab-Coat
- C6: Hide Armor
- C7: Arty’s Bow
- C8: Cloth Armor
- C9: Dress
- CA: Coat
- CB: Frock
- CC: Robe
- CD: Launcher
- CE: Light Armor
- CF: Freeze Bow
- D0: Ex-Potion
- D1: Hi-Magic
- D2: Mystery Pin
- D3: Power Gourd
- D4: Potion
- D5: Ex-Magic
- D6: Regain
- D7: Hi-Potion
- D8: Awake
- D9: Magic Jar
- DA: Shriek
- DB: Miracle
- DC: Antidote
- DE: Mind Gourd
- DF: Charred Newt
- E0: Big Shield
- E1: Silvo Shield
- E2: Gold Shield
- E3: Plati Gloves
- E4: Pearl Brace
- E5: Spike Shield
- E6: Slash Shield
- E7: Fayza Shield
- E8: Tect Buckler
- E9: Tall Shield
- EA: Gold Gloves
- EB: Mage Shield
- EC: Tuff Buckler
- ED: Tecto Gloves
- EE: Plati Shield
- EF: Round Shield
- F0: Speed Potion
- F1: Brave
- F2: Confuse Ball
- F3: Freeze Ball
- F4: Spell Potion
- F5: Pear Cider
- F6: Sour Cider
- F7: Power Potion
- F8: Apple Cider
- F9: Mind Potion
- FA: Sleep Ball
- FB: Lime Cider
- FC: Plum Cider
- FD: Magic Guard
- FE: Smoke Ball
- FF: Life Potion
- Raise GUT During Level Up
33E4-17A1 - Level-Up To Level 22 In One Battle
EEEC-17A1 - Level-Up To Level 83 In One Battle
EEEB-17A1 - Raise To Level 99 In One Battle
6EEB-17A1 - Major Stat Increases With Level-Up
EEE0-17A1 - Effect Window Border In Menu Screen
EE60-1DD6 - Enemy Gives Higher Damage (1000-9999)
EEE5-4D65 - Enemy Gives Higher Damage (1000-9999) #2
EEE5-4DA5 - Enemy Gives Higher Damage (1000-9999) #3
EEE7-4D65 - Enemy Gives Higher Damage (1000-9999) #4
EEE7-4D05 - Enemy Cannot Hit You “MISS”
EEE5-4FD5 - Kill Enemy With A Single Hit From Normal Or Magic Attack Know How Much HP The Enemy Has
EEE7-44D5 - Enemies Always Drops An Item After Battle If They’re Carrying An Item
Note: For the next 11 codes, please note that you cannot save the Status changes.
Battle/Fight Enemy Codes
Miscellaneous Additional Codes
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