- Infinite Energy
C2B8-CAC3 - 1-Hit And You’re Dead
DDAA-3869 - Start With Less Energy
D4AA-3869 - Start With More Energy
DBAA-3869 - Infinite Lives
C2B3-C313 - Start With 1 Life
DDA3-36D9 - Start With 7 Lives
D1A3-36A9 - Start With 10 Lives
DBA3-36A9 - Each Marble Worth 99
CB8C-C27A - Infinite Marbles
C2A8-CA32 - Start On Stage X
Stage Modifiers- DF: The Wharf
- D4: Mad Doc 1
- D7: Mad Doc 2
- D0: Ride The Gurney
- D9: Mad Doc 4
- D1: Elevator
- D5: Mad Doc Eol
- D6: Moose Hunt
- DB: Moose Chase
- DC: Haunted House
- D8: Haunted Basement
- DA: Haunted Halls
- D2: Garden
- D3: Tunnel
- DE: Steps
- FD: Table
- FF: Library
- F4: Kitchen
- F7: Dungeon
- F0: Tower Escape
- F9: Dungeon 2
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