- Beat 50cc Mushroom Cup To Get Gold Cup On All Courses, and 150cc Courses
F9EF-1F27 - Random Effects On Impact
0EEB-CDA4 - No Coins
20EB-CDA4 - Racers Get Stuck
2CEB-CDA4 - High Jumps
41EB-CDA4 - No Jumps
45EB-CDA4 - Float Super High
4BEB-CDA4 - Ride In Air
19EB-CDA4 - Drunk Drivers
C4EB-CDA4 - Track Distortion (Bowser’s Castle 1 Only)
00AE-44BA - Phantom Mode (Works Really Well)
4FEB-CDA4 - These Codes Can Cause Slight Increase In Various Karts
9886-EEB2 - Computer Karts Are Invisible
6EEB-CDA4 - 1000 Speed No Dust
3FC4-CDA4 - Hover Mode
4FEB-CDA4 - All Karts Except Yours Do Not Move
9980-44DD - Time Never Gets Past 1 Minute
3AC6-44DD - Hopping Code
3DEB-CDA4 - Princess Is Invisible
E18E-BBD2 - Mud And Other Land Features Have No Effect On Karts
E9EB-CDA4 - No Background Music In Lap 5
FA65-CDA4 - Change Princess To Mario
Modifiers- 0: Yoshi
- 1: Toad
- 4: Princess
- 7: Donkey Kong Jr.
- 9: Koopa Troopa
- D: Mario
- F: Bowser
- Change Koopa To Mario
0DB6-446D - Change Yoshi To Mario
0DB6-476D - Change Donkey Kong Jr. Into Red Yoshi
00B6-44DD - Sensitive Steering
F1C4-CDA4 - Always In Last Place
AFC4-CDA4 - Pass Through Obstacles After Using Mushroom Or Running Over Turbo Arrow
7338-CDA4 - Pass Through Obstacles After Mushroom Or Turbo Arrow And Invisible
2338-CDA4 - Fly After Using Mushroom Or Running Over Turbo Arrow
E338-CDA4 - Invincibility
1A3E-CDA4 - Poor CPU Driving
Note: This can cause some glitchy graphics. - CPU Spins Out Constantly
0EEB-CDA4 - Drive Anywhere On Track
4DEB-CDA4 - Always Keep Coins
03EB-CDA4 - All Racers Appear As Ghosts
67EB-CDA4 - All Karts Pulled To South-East
1OEB-CDA4 - Unlimited Retries In GP Mode
C7EB-CDA4 - Driver Cannot Move
CBEB-CDA4 - Drive Sideways
C8EB-CDA4 - Spinning Kart
87EB-CDA4 - No Slow Down In Turns
34EB-CDA4 - Instant Top Speed, Instant Braking
33EB-CDA4 - Throw Up Pipes
1DEB-CDA4 - Cannot Pick Up Coins, ? Marks
EFEB-CDA4 - Slight Increase In Acceleration
EE3D-EE57 - Multi-Cam Mario Code
E9EB-CDA4 - Obtain Any Item Without Landing On A ‘?’ Mark
Note: You can get any item without landing on a ? mark. At the beginning of each race press left to activate this code.- A – Mushroom
- Y – Feather
- R – Red Turtle Shell
- Select – Banana Peel
- Up + Y – Lighting
- Down + Y – Ghost
- While Going Fast On Koopa Troopa Beach, Hit The Wall And Your Kart Will Go Flying
C5C4-IDOF - Green Shells Bounce Very Fast
CDEF-CDA4 - Spin Out If You Go On Snow, Grass, Etc.
37EB-CDA4 - Can’t Rank Out
31C4-CDA4 - Baby Carriage Cart
F9C4-CDA4 - Computer Doesn’t Show Up On Map
D5C4-CDA4 - Faster Kart
3F31-CDA4 - Strange Jumps
F3C4-CDA4 - Automatic Smallness
60EB-CDA4 - Non-Bumpable
36EB-CDA4 - Better Steering
5DE9-67A4 - Lakita Kidnaps You
47EB-CDA4 - Terrible Muffler
BABD-CDA4 - CPU Can’t Turn
C4EB-CDA4 - Hop Code
3DEB-CDA4 - Objects Remain On Track
77EC-4DD4 - Drive Thru Walls
Note: When using this code, you cannot jump, collect coins or items. - Speed = 1CC
25C4-CDA4 - Kart Doesn’t Slow Down On Track
C6C4-C4D4 - Mushrooms Make You Jump
3DC4-CDA4 - Never Lose Speed
Note: When using this code, you cannot pickup coins or items. - Super Boost Always Active
ED4C-DE7E - Change Item Effects
Note: When you change different digit combinations, items do different things. - Conditions Don’t Wear Off
AA4E-7DE5 - Expert Code
EE63-CDA4 - Sliding Code (Sliding Changes in Functionality)
32C4-CDA4 - Perfect Sliding (Spin Out of Control – Hold Left or Right)
2EC4-CDA4 - Race With Red Tinted Background
CD64-4DDF - Invincible
E33E-CDA4 - 1000 cc Speed (Or So It Appears)
3FC4-CDA4 - Other Karts Spin Out
3DEB-CDA4 - Invisible
41A3-CDA4 - Other Karts Are Invisible
6EEB-CDA4 - Feather Jumping Repeatedly (Game Usually Freezes)
3FEB-CDA4 - Don’t Lose Coins
03EB-CDA4 - Odd Effects When Hit
0EEB-CDA4 - Can’t Collect Coins
20EB-CDA4 - Karts Get Stuck
2CEB-CDA4 - Jump High
41EB-CDA4 - Can’t Jump
45EB-CDA4 - Can Go Off The Track (See Note)
4FEB-CDA4 - 400 cc Driving
94C4-44D7 - Green Shells Are Fast
CDEF-CDA4 - Time NEVER Goes Past 1 Second
3AC6-44DD - Character “Morph” Codes
Modifiers- 33B6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Toad
- 32B6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Koopa Troopa
- 3AB6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Yoshi
- 3BB6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Bowser
- 3CB6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Princess Toadstool
- 36B6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Mario
- 4BB6: Donkey Kong Jr. Turns Into Invisible
- Ground Doesn’t Slow Down?
36EB-CDA4 - Other Karts Can’t Turn
C4EB-CDA4 - Karts Throw Pipes
1DEB-CDA4 - Karts Spin Out
0EEB-CDA4 - 50 cc Every Race
3F31-CDA4 - Sensitive Steering
F1C4-CDA4 - Kart Is Small
60EB-CDA4 - Karts Can’t Hit You
36EB-CDA4 - Lakitu Steals Kart
47EB-CDA4 - Karts Mufflers Are Broken
BABD-CDA4 - Pipes Shoot Out of Your Car
1FEB-CDA4 - Karts Shoot Off Screen
3EEB-CDA4 - Hit Sides, Go Fast
33EB-CDA4 - Front Wheels May Be Broken
7DC4-CDA4 - Odd Drivers
F7C4-CDA4 - Hit The “X” Button To Drive In Reverse
1A6E-CDA4 - Invincible Red Shells
77EC-4DD4 - Slow Motion Code
6286-4F6D - Stupid Opponents!
2282-44DD - Stop Your Opponents
DF80-44DD - Faster And Slow Opponents
DE86-44DD - Ultra Fast Opponents
3786-44DD - Infinite Laps v1.1
72CO-44DD - Infinite Laps v1.2
OFCO-44DD - Reset Timer At 00’00”
DFC6-44DD - Stop Time Counter
C9C6-44DD - Get Item Instantly
DF81-37D9 - Infinite Item When You Get One
Note: To get a different item, you will have to turn this code off. - Item Select
CB88-3DD0 - Koopa Troopa 1
??B6-446D - Yoshi
??B6-476D - Princess
??B6-4F6D - Donkey Kong Jr.
??B6 44DD - Bowser
??B6 4FDD - Mario
??B6 4DDD - 33: Toad
- 32: Koopa
- 3A: Yoshi
- 3B: Bowser
- 3C: Princess
- 36: Mario
- 38: Donkey Kong Jr.
- Same Color Toad
33B6-446D - Same Color Yoshi
10B6-4FDD - Same Color Koopa
22B6-47DD - Same Color Mario
16B6-47DD - Same Color Princess
14B6-44DD - Hyper Mega Jump Code
45C4-CDA4 - Turn Around To Get One Star
65C4-CDA4 - Yellow Track
85C4-CDA4 - Tuti-Fruti Track
DF6F-47DF - Nobody Can Start
DFC2-47DF - Your Cart Can’t Start
DFC9-47DF - Mushrooms Don’t Work (Extra Challenging)
B285-47DF - Drive Without Obstacles (Only For P1)
C965-44DD - With This Code You Can “Pause” The Game Without Buggy Effects
Note: To pause the game, turn this code on. - Yoshi’s Twin
DF6B-47DF - Turbo On Each Control Pad Button
DF61-47DF - Hard To Drive Only For Mario And Toad Drivers
DFCF-47DF - Bowser Turns Into Yoshi Many Times
DF65-47DF - Your Cart Can’t Turn, But You Can Drive Normally
DFAB-47DF - Your Cart Turns Invisible
DFA5-47DF - Your Cart Can Pass Through Computer Carts Without Harm
D5C4-CDA4 - Your Cart Can Pass Through Walls
95C4-CDA4 - Drive Through Walls And Obstacles (Drive Everywhere)
Note: You can drive better if you use the second controller in 1-Player Game mode. Remember to hold the L and R buttons then press start or B. - Mario Stays Mario
D6B6 4DDD - Bowser To Red Face, Yellow Pants, Green Hat, Shoes And Shirt Mario
D6B6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Red Hat, Pink Shoes, Yellow Pants Mario
D6B6 44DD - Toad To Mario
D6B6 47DD - Mario To Blue Bowser
FBB6 4DDD - Bowser Stays Bowser
FBB6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Blond Hair, Pink Shell Pale Bowser
FBB6 44DD - Toad To Blue Bowser
FBB6 47DD - Mario To Blue Hair, Red Dress Princess Toadstool
4CB6 4DDD - Bowser To Red Face, Green Dress, Yellow And Red Hair Princess Toadstool
4CB6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Princess Toadstool
4CB6 44DD - Toad To Blue Hair, Red Dress Princess Toadstool
4CB6 47DD - Mario To Blue Face, Red And Gray Hair Dk Jr
78B6 4DDD - Bowser To Green Face, Green And Gray Hair Dk Jr
78B6 4FDD - Dk Jr. Stays Dk Jr
78B6 44DD - Toad To Blue Face, Red And Gray Hair Dk Jr
78B6 47DD - Mario To Red Yoshi
0AB6 4DDD - Bowser To Yoshi
0AB6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Red And Pink Yoshi
0AB6 44DD - Toad To Red Yoshi
0AB6 47DD - Mario To Koopa Troopa
92B6 4DDD - Bowser To Red With Green Shell Koopa Troopa
92B6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Red Shell Pale Koopa Troopa
92B6 44DD - Toad To Green Shell Koopa Troopa
92B6 47DD - Mario To Toad
13B6 4DDD - Bowser To Red Face, Dark Yellow Shirt, Green Dots On Hat Toad
13B6 4FDD - Dk Jr. To Pink Shirt, Dark Red Dots On Hat Toad
13B6 44DD - Toad Stays Toad
13B6 47DD - Mario Is Messed Up
5EB6 4DDD - Bowser Is Messed Up
5EB6 4FDD - Dk Jr. Is Messed Up
5EB6 44DD - Toad Is Messed Up
5EB6 47DD - Princess Toadstool To Red Hat, Pink Shoes, Yellow Pants Mario
D6B6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Mario With Luigi’s Cloths On
D6B6 446D - Yoshi To Red Face, Yellow Pants, Green Hat, Shoes And Shirt Mario
D6B6 476D - Princess Toadstool To Blonde Hair, Pink Shell Pale Bowser
FBB6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Blue Bowser
FBB6 446D - Yoshi To Bowser
FBB6 476D - Princess Toadstool Stays Princess Toadstool
4CB6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Blue Hair, Red Dress Princess Toadstool
4CB6 446D - Yoshi To Red Face, Green Dress, Yellow And Red Hair Princess Toadstool
4CB6 476D - Princess Toadstool Dk Jr
78B6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Blue Face, Green And Gray Hair Dk Jr
78B6 446D - Yoshi To Green Face, Green And Gray Hair Dk Jr
78B6 476D - Princess Toadstool To Red And Pink Yoshi
0AB6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Red Lip Yoshi
0AB6 446D - Yoshi Stays Yoshi
0AB6 476D - Princess Toadstool To Red Shell Pale Koopa Troopa
92B6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa Stays Koopa Troopa
92B6 446D - Yoshi To Red Koopa Troopa
92B6 476D - Princess Toadstool To Pink Shirt, Dark Red Dots On Toad’s Hat
13B6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa To Green Dots On Hat Toad
13B6 446D - Yoshi To Red Face, Dark Yellow Shirt, Green Dots On Hat Toad
13B6 476D - Princess Toadstool Is Messed Up
5EB6 4F6D - Koopa Troopa Is Messed Up
5EB6 446D - Yoshi Is Messed Up
5EB6 476D
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