- Start With 2 Lives
DF35-CDA0 - Start With 6 Lives
D935-CDA0 - Start With 8 Lives
D535-CDA0 - Start With 11 Lives
DC35-CDA0 - Start With 16 Lives
DE35-CDA0 - Start With 26 Lives
FB35-CDA0 - Start With 51 Lives
7435-CDA0 - Start With 100 Lives
1735-CDA0 - Infinite Lives
CB6C-3767 - Start With No Continues
DD3B-C760 - Start With 5 Continues
D93B-C760 - Start With 7 Continues
D53B-C760 - Start With 10 Continues
DC3B-C760 - Start With 15 Continues
DE3B-C760 - Start With 25 Continues
FB3B-C760 - Start With 50 Continues
743B-C760 - Start With 99 Continues
173B-C760 - Infinite Continues
4A21-14D5 - Start With 1/2 As Much Health As Usual (Easy Level)
F435-CFA0 - Start With 1/2 As Much Health As Usual (Brave Level)
FD35-C400 - Start With 1/2 As Much Health As Usual (Jedi Level)
D335-C4A0 - Start With Twice As Much Health As Usual (Easy Level)
0635-CFA0 - Start With Twice As Much Health As Usual (Brave Level)
0D35-C400 - Start With Twice As Much Health As Usual (Jedi Level)
7635-C4A0 - Protection Against Most Damage
1D34-C704 - Small Hearts Restore Half As Much Health As Usual (Easy Level)
D43B-CF00 - Small Hearts Restore Half As Much Health As Usual (Brave Level)
DF3B-CFA0 - Small Hearts Restore Half As Much Health As Usual (Jedi Level)
DF3B-C400 - Small Hearts Restore Twice As Much Health As Usual (Easy Level)
D13B-CF00 - Small Hearts Restore Twice As Much Health As Usual (Brave Level)
D03B-CFA0 - Small Hearts Restore Twice As Much Health As Usual (Jedi Level)
D03B-C400 - Small Hearts Restore 4 Times As Much Health As Usual (Easy Level)
DA3B-CF00 - Small Hearts Restore 4 Times As Much Health As Usual (Brave Level)
D63B-CFA0 - Small Hearts Restore 4 Times As Much Health As Usual (Jedi Level)
D63B-C400 - Begin The Game With The Lightsaber
DDB0-C767 - Han Solo & Chewbacca Begin With A Blaster
DD88-37A5 - Han Solo & Chewbacca Begin With A Seeker Gun
D488-37A5 - Han Solo & Chewbacca Begin With A Rapid Ion Gun
D788-37A5 - Han Solo & Chewbacca Begin With A Plasma Gun
D088-37A5 - Blaster Power-Ups Remain After Dying
553A-1764 - All 3 Characters Selectable At The Beginning Of The Game
DDB9-CF67 - Only 1 Jawa Needed To Pass Landspeeder Levels
DF60-4D6F - Only 5 Jawas Needed To Pass Landspeeder Levels
D960-4D6F - Only 10 Jawas Needed To Pass Landspeeder Levels
DC60-4D6F - 25 Jawas Needed To Pass Landspeeder Levels
FB60-4D6F - 50 Jawas Needed To Pass Landspeeder Levels
7460-4D6F - Start With Half Fuel On Landspeeder Levels
F467-4D0F - Start With Double Fuel On Landspeeder Levels (You Can’t Tell How Much You Have, But It Works)
0667-4D0F - No Fuel Maximum For Fuel Power-Ups (You Can’t Tell How Much You Have, But It Works)
6DA5-4D04 - Fuel Power-Ups Completely Refill The Landspeeder
40A1-47D4 - Only Explosions, Clawed Creatures, And End Bosses Can Hurt You!
AFAC-34A7 - Freak-O Color Changes
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