- A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
- AAAHH!!! Real Monsters
- ActRaiser
- ActRaiser 2
- Addams Family Values
- Adventures of Yogi Bear
- Aero Fighters
- Aero the Acro-Bat
- Aero the Acrobat 2
- Aerobiz
- Air Cavalry
- Alien 3
- Alien VS Predator
- An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
- Animaniacs
- Arcana
- Ardy Lightfoot
- Arkanoid: Doh It Again
- Art of Fighting
- Axelay
- B.O.B.
- Bahamut Lagoon
- Ballz 3D
- Barbie: Super Model
- Bassin’s Black Bass with Hank Parker
- Batman Forever
- Batman Returns
- Battle Blaze
- Battle Clash
- Battletoads & Double Dragon
- Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
- Bazooka Blitzkrieg
- Beavis and Butt-head
- Best of the Best: Championship Karate
- Biker Mice From Mars
- Bill Laimbeer’s Combat Basketball
- BioMetal
- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
- Blackthorne
- BlaZeon
- Bonkers
- Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
- Boxing Legends of the Ring
- Brain Lord
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula
- Brandish
- Brawl Brothers
- Breath of Fire
- Breath of Fire II
- BS Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Chapter 1
- BS Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Chapter 2
- BS Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Chapter 3
- BS Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets Chapter 4
- Bubsy II
- Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
- Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage
- Bust-A-Move
- Cacoma Knight in Bizyland
- Captain America and the Avengers
- Captain Commando
- Captain Novolin
- Casper
- Castlevania: Dracula X
- Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool
- Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
- Choplifter III
- Chrono Trigger
- Chuck Rock
- ClayFighter
- ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
- Claymates
- Cliffhanger
- Clue
- Congo’s Caper
- Contra III: The Alien Wars
- Contra Spirits
- Cool Spot
- Cool World
- Cutthroat Island
- Cyber Spin
- Cybernator
- D-Force
- Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
- Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen (Super Robot Wars 3)
- Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen (Super Robot Wars 4)
- Darius Twin
- David Crane’s Amazing Tennis
- Demolition Man
- Demon’s Crest
- Dennis the Menace
- Der Langrisser
- Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
- DinoCity
- Disney’s Aladdin
- Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
- Disney’s The Jungle Book
- Donkey Kong Country
- Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest
- Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong’s Double Trouble
- Doom
- Doomsday Warrior
- Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
- Dragon Ball Z Super Gokuden: Kakusei-Hen
- Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension
- Dragon Quest III: Soshite Densetsu e…
- Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome
- Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi
- Dragon’s Lair
- Drakkhen
- Dream TV
- Dungeon Master
- E.V.O.: Search for Eden
- Earth Defense Force
- EarthBound
- Earthworm Jim
- Earthworm Jim 2
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- Extra Innings
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- F1 ROC II: Race of Champions
- F1 ROC: Race of Champions
- Faceball 2000
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- Fatal Fury
- Fatal Fury 2
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- Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest
- Final Fight
- Final Fight 2
- Final Fight 3
- Final Fight Guy
- Fire Fighting
- Firepower 2000
- FireStriker
- First Samurai
- Flashback: The Quest for Identity
- Front Mission
- Fushigi no Dungeon 2: Fuurai no Shiren
- Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun McGuinness
- George Foreman’s KO Boxing
- Ghost Chaser Densei
- Ghoul Patrol
- Go Go Ackman
- Go Go Ackman 2
- Go Go Ackman 3
- Gods
- Goof Troop
- Gradius III
- GunForce: Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island
- Hagane: The Final Conflict
- Hal’s Hole In One Golf
- Harley’s Humongous Adventure
- Home Alone
- Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
- Hook
- HyperZone
- Illusion of Gaia
- Imperium
- Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures
- Inindo: Way of the Ninja
- Inspector Gadget
- Jack Nicklaus Golf
- James Bond Jr.
- Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
- Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D
- Joe & Mac
- Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
- John Madden Football
- John Madden Football ’93
- Judge Dredd
- Jungle Strike
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- Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues
- Ka-Blooey
- Kaite Tsukutte Asoberu: Dezaemon
- Kawasaki Carribean Challenge
- Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
- Kid Klown in Crazy Chase
- Kidou Senshi Z-Gundam: Away to the NewType
- Killer Instinct
- King Arthur & the Knights of Justice
- King Arthur’s World
- King of Dragons
- King of the Monsters
- Kirby Super Star
- Kirby’s Avalanche
- Kirby’s Dream Course
- Kirby’s Dream Land 3
- Knights of the Round
- Krusty’s Super Fun House
- Lagoon
- Lamborghini American Challenge
- Laplace no Ma (Laplace’s Demon)
- Legend of the Mystical Ninja
- Lemmings
- Lester the Unlikely
- Lethal Enforcers
- Lethal Weapon
- Live A Live
- Lufia and the Fortress of Doom
- Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
- Lupin III: Densetsu no Hihou o Oe!
- Madden NFL ’94
- Madden NFL ’95
- Madden NFL ’96
- Magic Sword
- Mahou Kishi Rayearth
- Majyuuou
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- Mario is Missing!
- Mario Paint
- Mario’s Time Machine
- Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems
- Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
- Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
- Mecarobot Golf
- MechWarrior
- MechWarrior 3050
- Mega Man 7
- Mega Man Soccer
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- Mega Man X2
- Mega Man X3
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- Metal Morph
- Metal Warriors
- Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
- Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
- Might and Magic II
- Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
- Monopoly
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- Mortal Kombat [JP]
- Mortal Kombat 2
- Mortal Kombat 3
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- NBA Jam Tournament Edition
- NBA Showdown
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- NHL Stanley Cup
- NHLPA Hockey 93
- Nigel Mansell’s World Championship Racing
- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
- No Escape
- Nolan Ryan’s Baseball
- Nosferatu
- Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
- On the Ball
- Operation Logic Bomb
- Outlander
- Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
- Paladin’s Quest
- Panel de Pon
- Paperboy 2
- Parodius Da! Shinwa kara Owarai he
- PGA Tour Golf
- Phalanx
- Pilotwings
- Pinball Dreams
- Pit-Fighter
- Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
- Plok
- Pocky & Rocky
- Pop’n TwinBee
- Popeye: Ijiwaru Majo Sea Hag no Maki
- Populous
- Porky Pig’s Haunted Holiday
- Primal Rage
- Prince of Persia
- Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
- Push-Over
- Q*bert 3
- R-Type III: The Third Lightning
- Race Drivin’
- Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Houseki
- Radical Psycho Machine Racing
- Raiden Trad
- Rampart
- Ranma 1/2: Akanekodan Teki Hihou
- Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle
- Redline F-1 Racer
- Return of Double Dragon
- Revolution X
- Rise of the Robots
- Rival Turf!
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- Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally
- RoboCop 3
- RoboCop Versus The Terminator
- Robotrek
- Rock ‘n Roll Racing
- RockMan & Forte
- Rocky Rodent
- Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
- Romancing SaGa 3
- RPM: Radical Psycho Machine Racing
- Rudra no Hihou
- Run Saber
- Samurai Shodown
- Saturday Night Slam Masters
- Scooby-Doo Mystery
- SeaQuest DSV – Game Genie Codes
- Secret of Evermore
- Secret of Mana
- Seiken Densetsu 3
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- Shaq Fu
- Shien’s Revenge
- Shin Megami Tensei
- Sid Meier’s Civilization
- Sim Ant
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- Sim City 2000
- Skuljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
- Skyblazer
- Smart Ball
- Soldiers of Fortune
- Sonic Blast Man
- Soul Blazer
- Space Football: One on One
- Space Invaders
- Space Megaforce
- Spanky’s Quest
- Spawn
- Spectre
- Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures
- Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
- Spider-Man & Venom: Separation Anxiety
- Spider-Man and X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge
- Spindizzy Worlds
- Star Fox
- Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Crossroads of Time
- Star Trek The Next Generation: Future’s Past
- Stargate
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- Street Fighter II
- Street Fighter II Turbo
- Strike Gunner S-T-G
- Stunt Race FX
- Sunset Riders
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- Super Adventure Island II
- Super Alfred Chicken
- Super Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika: Genchou Hishi
- Super Baseball Simulator 1.000
- Super Bases Loaded
- Super Bases Loaded 3: License to Steal
- Super Batter Up
- Super Battleship
- Super Battletank: War in the Gulf
- Super Bomberman
- Super Bomberman 2
- Super Bomberman 3
- Super Bomberman 4
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- Super Buster Bros.
- Super Castlevania IV
- Super Double Dragon
- Super Fire ProWrestling X Premium
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- Super Mario All-Stars / Super Mario World
- Super Mario Kart
- Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
- Super Mario World
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
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- Super Ninja Boy
- Super Nova
- Super Off Road: The Baja
- Super Off-Road
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- Super Probotector: Alien Rebels
- Super Punch-Out!!
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- Super Scope 6
- Super Shadow of the Beast
- Super Smash TV
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- Super Soccer Champ
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- Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- Super Street Fighter II
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- Super Turrican 2
- Super Valis IV
- SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
- Syndicate
- Tales of Phantasia
- Taz-Mania
- Tecmo Super Baseball
- Tecmo Super Bowl
- Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time [JP]
- Terminator 2: The Arcade Game
- Terranigma
- Tetris & Dr. Mario
- Tetris 2
- Tetris Attack
- The 7th Saga
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- The Addams Family: Pugsley’s Scavenger Hunt
- The Adventures of Batman and Robin
- The Adventures of Dr. Franken
- The Adventures of Kid Kleets
- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
- The Blues Brothers
- The Brainies
- The Chessmaster
- The Combatribes
- The Death and Return of Superman
- The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock
- The Hunt for Red October
- The Ignition Factor
- The Incredible Hulk
- The Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates
- The Lawnmower Man
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- The Lion King
- The Lord of the Rings: Volume 1
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- The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
- The Mask
- The Ninja Warriors Again
- The Peace Keepers
- The Pirates of Dark Water
- The Ren & Stimpy Show: Fire Dogs
- The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
- The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!
- The Rocketeer
- The Simpsons: Bart’s Nightmare
- The Terminator
- The Tick
- The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
- Thunder Spirits
- Time Cop
- Time Slip
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose
- TKO Super Championship Boxing
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- Top Gear 2
- Top Gear 3000
- Total Carnage
- Toy Story
- Toys
- Treasure Hunter G
- True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links
- True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club
- Tuff E Nuff
- U.N. Squadron
- Ultima: Runes of Virtue II
- Ultimate Fighter
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
- Ultraman
- Uncharted Waters
- Uniracers
- Urban Strike
- Utopia: The Creation of a Nation
- Vegas Stakes
- Virtual Bart
- Warlock
- Wayne’s World
- We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story
- WeaponLord
- Wheel of Fortune
- Wild Guns
- Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits
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- Wing Commander: The Secret Missions
- Wings 2: Aces High
- Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
- Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
- Wolfchild
- Wolfenstein 3D
- Wolverine: Adamantium Rage
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- WWF Raw
- WWF Royal Rumble
- WWF Super Wrestlemania
- WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game
- X-Kaliber 2097
- X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
- Xardion
- Yoshi’s Cookie
- Yoshi’s Safari
- Young Merlin
- Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
- Zombies Ate My Neighbors