- Start With 2 Lives
DF6D-0D0D - Start With 6 Lives
D96D-0D0D - Start With 10 Lives
DB6D-0D0D - Infinite Lives (Both Players – Except Level 2, Doesn’t Work On Falling)
8986-CF01 - Infinite Lives When Falling
8026-CD08 - Start With 0 Continues
DD6D-04AD - Start With 5 Continues
D96D-04AD - Start With 9 Continues
DB6D-04AD - After Getting Hurt, For A While Enemies Won’t Attack And You’re Invisible
6D20-34A8 - Take Less Damage From Hits
8280-4DD9 - Protection Against Most Strength Level 1 Hits
82A7-3FAF - Protection Against Most Strength Level 2 Hazards
8982-CFD1 - Infinite Continues (Player 1)
C96A-346F - Infinite Continues (Player 2)
When you use either of the next 2 codes, you will continue with a random number of lives but you do have infinite continues.
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