- Start With $9912 Yen (Money) Instead of $3000
4136-57DF - Start With $25,016 Yen (Money) Instead of $3000
1F36-57DF - Start With $60,088 Yen (Money) Instead of $3000
3C36-57DF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 45 HP Instead of 15
423A-540F - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 150 HP Instead of 15
B13A-540F - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 12 EP Instead of 2
DA3A-54AF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 15 Attack Instead of 5
DE38-546F - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 50 Attack Instead of 5
7438-546F - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 9 Defense Instead of 3
DB38-54AF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 30 Defense Instead of 3
F338-54AF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 15 Speed Instead of 5
DE38-57DF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 50 Speed Instead of 5
7438-57DF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 9 Evade Instead of 3
DB3A-5FDF - Moon (Usagi) Starts With 30 Evade Instead of 3
F33A-5FDF - Moon (Usagi) Only Needs 1 Experience Point (Instead of 10) To Get To Level 2
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