Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome

The following are known Game Genie codes for Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome on Super Nintendo (SNES). Unless otherwise specified, these codes should work both on native and compatible hardware along with a variety of popular emulators with Game Genie support.

  1. Always Do a Tremendous Blow/Monsters Always Offer to Join
  2. Can Add/Take Any Item at Oracle Valley/Oracleberry Item Storage
  3. Withdraw Gold at Oracle Valley/Oracleberry to Get 257,000 Gold in Bank, 65,793 in Hand
    Note: You must deposit 1,000 Gold in the bank first.
  4. Walk Thru Walls
    Note: Be sure to go up and down stairs in areas that depict elevation or you will not be able to go through doors on the appropriate level.
  5. Enables Debug Menu 5
    Note: Start the game and push A to bring up the menu and choose the 5th option.

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