- Sinistar
- Start With 99 Lives P1 & P2
17C4-4F04 - Infinite Lives P1 & P2
C2E7-CF3F - Infinite Sinibombs P1 & P2
C237-3744 - Start With 99 Lives P1 & P2
17C5-376F - Infinite Lives P1 & P2
8969-14D3 - Infinite Bombs P1 & P2
8984-4F0E - Start With 99 Lives P1 & P2
17CC-346F - Infinite Lives P1 & P2
896C-3DB4 - Infinite Bombs P1 & P2
8921-17BD - Start With 99 Lives P1 & P2
17C2-370F - Infinite Lives P1 & P2
8268-C7B2 - Start With 99 Lives P1 & P2
17CE-370F - Infinite Lives P1 & P2
826A-1F78 - Start On Wave 25
FB65-1788 - Start On Wave 50
7465-1788 - Start On Wave 99
Defender II
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